Monday, April 30, 2007

Federal Prosecutors will retry Former Westar Energy Executives David Wittig and Douglas Lake

According to the Kansas City Business Journal, the two former executives had been convicted on 39 and 30 counts of defrauding the utility. An appeals court threw out the convictions due to insufficient evidence on one of the isues in the case. Although prosecutors will not be able to pursue all of the original convictions, "Wittig will face 14 counts of circumventing internal controls and one count of conspiracy, [a federal spokeperson] said Monday. Lake will face 13 circumvention counts and one count of conspiracy ."

This will be their third trial.

1 comment:

TaDonne' said...

I guess my question would be how is it possible for these men to get away with such dishonesty and thievery fro so long. Its amazing to me how long these scandals go on before they are found out.