The newspapers' decline goes on. Overall circulation is down 3.6%. While a competing medium's decline may be welcome news to the Postal Service, it is not a sanguine sign of health in the ad market.
Advertising has become more cyclical with each passing decade. With the economy in recession since last summer and a large mess to clean up after the financial excesses of the financial excesses of the last decade, do not expect a quick rebound.
One way to cut your costs in recession is advertising.. If people aren't going to get out and buy your product--whats the point of advertising? Then again, if you advertise, maybe it would help persuade others to come out and shop.. Either way, advertising is the first expense to cut, because there is not a huge benefit in times a recession (when noone is buying things).
Because of the financial crisis we are in along with the housing market at a low Newspapers are having a hard time keeping their sales up. People are no longer looking at the Newspaper for information and are looking towards free websites online. I believe this is happening because everyone is trying to save a "buck" and the fact that the internet allows convenience.
Newspapers??? Well, this is the new era now and newspapers is not the way to market not unless it is black friday or christmas time because people are looking for deals. But the newspaper is worthless if you have a HDTV that is going to tell you what is going on, if not the internet provides an online newspaper or even playback of the news you missed. One day, when i get older I will be telling my grandchildren that we use to read books and news made out of paper.
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